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The Legend of Matilda Peppercorn, Catgirl

A new heroine from the author of the best-selling Jane Blonde series

Matilda Peppercorn is being watched. Weirdy women keep popping up in all sorts of strange places. On the special mosaic in her garden. Up a tree at the tumbledown building where she and BFF Mattan hang out. Even at the competition for her beloved kickboxing.

And they’re not just watching.

They’re testing her, for a job she’s even never heard of.

It's crazy, isn't it? But if anyone's up to the task,

it's Matilda Peppercorn.

Magical mayhem and kick-box action from Jill Marshall, author of the best-selling series about Sensational Spylet, Jane Blonde. Read the whole quartet to follow Tilly and team into the mystery of how to become a living legend.

The Legend of Matilda Peppercorn quartet is also a SWAGG Origin Story. Meet Tilly with Blonde and a host of out-of-this-world characters in the first in the new S*W*A*G*G series, Spook.


In printed just-for-you paperback; in ebook for any reader including Kindle,  and now, for the first time ever for Jill Marshall Books,
in gorgeous collectable hardback!

©2020 by Jill Marshall Books Ltd

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