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Jane Blonde Spylet on Ice

Jane Blonde, Sensational Spylet, is hurled on her coolest mission yet when she enrols at SPIcamp! There are gadgets galore at the top-secret facility and there’s even a snowdome where the spylets can chill out. When the team is sent on a mysterious polar expedition, Janey’s spylet- training - and her new snowboard skills! - are put to the test.

Originally published by Macmillan Children's Books, the Jane Blonde series has sold hundreds of thousands of copies in two dozen countries, featured as a World Book Day title, and has been optioned for film and TV. It is now available for the first time in all sorts of digital versions including e, flip and print books, with fabulous new covers and from its new official home - Jill Marshall Books Ltd.

The seven Jane Blonde books are also a SWAGG origin story. Meet Blonde and the rest of her new team - Jack BC, Matilda Peppercorn, Stein - in the first of the S*W*A*G*G series, Spook.


In printed just-for-you paperback; in ebook for any reader including Kindle,  and now, for the first time ever for Jill Marshall Books,
in gorgeous collectable hardback!

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